Monday, 10 May 2021

Mental Health and Nature

Today is the start of Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme this year is the power of nature to bring benefits to our lives and mental health as well as it’s ability to increase our creativity, empathy and sense of wonder. In honour of this I decided to make a collage with a difference, inspired by some natural items I could gather together from around my home. They all have their significance, as you can see I have been blessed by many an angel, but the pebbles are especially special to me. I found them as a small child in a river I regularly played in and I was deeply disappointed when they dried out and didn’t shimmer anymore. I would keep running them under the tap, in order to make them sparkle again. I wouldn’t stop going on about their de-transformation (I do have difficulties in letting things go) so much so that my grandfather got them polished for me as a birthday surprise not long before he died, so that they would always shine. I treasure these worthless stones as much as any gemstone I own and have kept them with me ever since. Does anyone else keep odd pieces from the natural world in their homes or pockets? I hope if you do they are beneficial to your mental wellbeing 💖

#connectwithnature #mentalhealthawarenessweek #naturalmandala #gemstones #feathersappearwhenangelsarenear

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