Monday, 14 April 2014

A Vision of Woman

MEDICINE WOMAN Listens to the needs of her truest self and wisest voice. 

Trusts and respects herself with tenderness and grace. 

Heals in the present by walking through her past. 

Believes in herself and her enduring inner strength with a divine awareness. 

Imagines her goals and moves toward them using her resources and creativity. 

Celebrates her years believing her inner and outer self is beautiful just as it is. 

Loves herself and values the friendships of other women in her life. 

I always think this is the time of year for new beginnings. New life is springing up everywhere and the promise of summer calls our inner beings to celebration. All this sounds very 'Earth Mother' of me, so I thought I'd find a quote of wisdom that seemed to match this tone. 

Sometimes life doesn't seem so full of promise
and it is then that we should listen for the truth or our inner voice. Then we need the courage to find ways to trust again and to heal our old spiritual wounds. 
This quote also tells us of the importance of really believing in and loving oneself and truly caring for others. It is important that we keep getting up each day reimagining the future and celebrating the passing of time and not to fear it or desperately try to change it. Because that will only lead to exhaustion for body mind and soul. The beauty (and trick) in life is about accepting where we are at the start of this and every new season and embracing that moment for what it is. Not to be regretful of the past or focused so much on the future that we fail to see the wonder in the now. 

I'm off for an Easter break be back posting at the end of April. 

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